Y o n d o n j u n a i n      D A L K H - O C H I R

1975-1979: College of Fine Arts, sculpture major

1984-1988: Teacher’s College of Ulaanbaatar, painting major


1990: Founded the first Mongolian modern art society: “Green Horse”

1991: Head of “Green horse” modern art society

1995-1999: Director of “Green horse” College of Art

2002: Founded “Blue sun” contemporary art center


Selected exhibitions:


1991: “Green horse” exhibition, Goethe’53 art gallery, Munich, Germany

1998: “Life” installation shown in North East Asian Modern Art Festival held in Niigata, Japan

2000: DSB group’s contemporary art exhibition at the Embassy of Bulgaria in Ulaanbaatar

(collaboration with S. Sarantsatsralt and D. Bat-erdene)

2002: “Street art” project, streets of Ulaanbaatar

2003: Lectured on Mongolian contemporary art and showed art concepts in Sweden

2004: “Deel and us” installation shown at the international art fair in Stockholm, Sweden

2004-2007: Organized international ART CAMP in Mongolia exhibiting land art and installations

2005: “Eating heads of sheep” installation and video art show at BLUE SUN art gallery

2006: Showed installation work at the Asian Contemporary Art exhibition in Shanghai, China