Oil on canvas 

50x40 cm


Yo. Dalkh-ochir

Aavaa, ta irekh uu? Goomaral 88181526

Galleryd uzesgelen deglej baigaad bur oroitchihloo, margaash ayagui l bol amjikhgui ni shig bn, 2laa odor uulzah uu? 1 tsagt baij baina. Jagie 99xxxxxx

Munkh tenger iveeg! Erhem ah tany ajil sain gedegt itgene. Ta contemporary art gesen materialaa bichij duussan uu? Altan 8884824x

Hi. I sent art project paper to Boldoo’s e-mail. We’ll talk soon. Julie 99226994

Dear friends, I have to move out of my flat on Monday. Since I may not have the possibility at my next place, there will be an early goodbye party at my place, Oyutny khotkhon 27/4 this Friday evening. Hope you are free to eat cake with me :) See you, Steffi +97699604264

Erhem Tsenher nar ta hed bugdeeree davgui yu? Bid sain. 4 odor Ulrika, Flippa, Sar a bid 4 uulzsan. Ta yamar sonin ve? 8 uran buteel olson uu? Nadad bicheerei. Elin +46739866779